As part of its Social Responsibility actions, in October SONILS carried out several awareness-raising actions on the importance of prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer, with the motto “A TOUCH FOR PREVENTION, preventing saves lives”.

On the 28th of October, SONILS held a lecture dedicated to Breast Cancer at its facilities, with the theme “SONILS in the fight against breast cancer”.

The lecture was given by Dr. Severino Chova, oncologist at Clínica Sagrada Esperança, where he addressed sub-topics such as: Risk Factors, Prevention and Diagnosis of the disease.

During his explanation, the speaker warned that the disease can also affect the male gender and took the opportunity to alert those present about the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.

SONILS employees and customers were present, as well as the medical team working at the Medical Post. At the end of the lecture, Mr. Pedro Oliveira, Director of Corporate Relations, encouraged self-examination as a form of prevention, emphasizing participants to be multipliers of information with their family, friends and colleagues, ending by saying that “prevention is the word order for safe health”.